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Nov. 14, 2004 - 11:46 p.m.

Elvis Costello - "Button My Lip"

Well I spent the afternoon in the darkroom preparing for my photo critique tomorrow afternoon. This is the first time that I'm stressing about it. I guess because it's the first time we've had to mat our prints, and my mats look like shit, so I tried to get the best prints possible to make up for that fact. I'm not sure I accomplished that, but I do think they look better than the ones from my last critique. I'll probably upload the ones I did today tomorrow or Wednesday to flickr, so you can see some new ones.

Other than that, the weekend has been pretty uneventful. Did some shopping with my mom yesterday. Well, it was actually her shopping and me tagging along. But I did manage to get a new bathmat out of the whole thing. But we ended up at my sister's new apartment, helping her move in. It's cute, but god almighty is it tiny! Big enough for two 20 year old girls I suppose but they could hardly get their huge queen beds into their rooms. My sister had to put her dressing table in the closet. So, on second thought, maybe I'm not so jealous of my sister.

I know one thing's for sure - I couldn't live with her roomate for 5 minutes before I jumped over the balcony. I have known this girl since she (and my sister) were about 11. She's nice enough and smart, but god is she annoying! She's one of those people who always knows more than everyone else, she's a rich kid who's always had everything she ever wanted, just not my type of person. And she has the most annoying voice I've possibly ever heard. So I'm feeling a bit sorry for my sister, but she knows what she's getting into, and I guess they are 'best-friends'.... who the hell knows.

I have realized lately, since spending time around my mom and sister together, that I am the odd one out. They are exactly alike in almost every way. For instance when we all go shop, I'll say I like something, they both hate it. They like something, I think it's hideous. They know me pretty well, but we just aren't on the same page when it comes to most things. But I think it's funny, albeit a tad annoying when we're all together and they barely even listen to me when I talk. How does the apple fall so far from the tree?

Well, it's getting late and since I'm already rambling about nonsense here, I should probably wrap it up. Hope you all had wonderful weekends and don't have terribly stressful Monday's ahead. Peace!


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